Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Give Away Today

I am going to be FEATURED on Give Away Today on MAY 1, 2009!! Thanks to my friend Raimey I have been stalking this blog (See Banner on the side) for a little while now!

Here are the rules for Give Away Today!

1. We will give away a new item each weekday, Monday through Friday. The winner will be chosen using
2. Check back daily to see if you have won the previous day's giveaway (the winner of Friday's product will be announced on Monday morning.)
3. The winner must email within 24 hours of being announced the winner or a new winner will be chosen.
4. You must be at least 18 years old to enter to win

They are having a PHOTOGRAPHY DAY and giving away packages for up to $250 from photographers all over. I am the ONLY one from TEXAS so far! Isn't this the COOLEST website EVER!! Anyway I am so excited! I will be on there May 1-3.

You can go to the site EVERY DAY to try and win something! There are some REALLY great products out there!

1 comment:

  1. YAY Jenn!!! I am SO excited! Maybe I will be the the random integer # pick!!! HAH!!!! Glad you checked it out- and I'll try to send eveyone I know there;)


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